my fears- Erica Kennedy period 3


  1. 1.The picture is conveying the fear of being stared at too long or judged.
    2. The picture successfully covey the fear, because the way you stared at the camera makes me feel the emotion you are conveying.
    3.I like how you choose black and white as the filter
    4. I don't have a constructive suggestion for you I think you did a really good job conveying your fear.

  2. 1. The picture is conveying you being afraid of being judged or stared at too long by other people.
    2. This picture is successfully conveying your fear because the stare shows emotion that you might be feeling when someone is staring and judging you for too long.
    3. I like the idea you chose to show your fear:).
    4. Focus more on the eye i guess make it stand out more


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